Weeding, weeding, weeding, mowing, mowing, mowing… seeding, transplanting, potting up, burning…
Every day there is something new coming into bloom.

Hmmm, I transplanted these tulips from the other house and they are doing a valiant job of blooming again. I picked a pretty tricky spot for them and now I am paying the price by needing to hand trim around them.

Erin over at The Impatient Gardener got me into watching the British show Gardener’s World. Now that’s how to produce a gardening show! Nothing like getting your gardening chore assignment for the weekend to make you tune in every week. I always have a list of chores in my head when I go out the door in the morning and I feel so satisfied if I can tick them off by tea time in the afternoon.

I have never appreciated primroses so much, but I do now. So many different colours – and these aren’t the glaring hot colours that we find at the grocery store. I have a feeling these have been special ordered so I am glad to take photos of them now because they will be dying down come June. And they are so prolific that I can safely move them into some of the new beds.
We have tackled some big cleanup jobs around here in the last couple of weeks so I will be posting about them soon. How is your spring clean-up coming along?