You might have noticed that there is a new member of the family showing up in the photos on this blog.
My dear cat, Cocoa died at 20 years old last September, just six weeks after we moved in. It was very hard to say goodbye to my sweet companion because we had been together for so long. I really listened to my heart and waited for the right time to bring a new friend for Mozart into the house.

I knew I wanted a grey 2 year old female. I started looking in January and found Flora on the BC SPCA website at the Fort St. John location. She had been brought into the shelter with a litter of kittens last August. She is pretty skinny in that photo.

I would check in every week or so and in February I noticed she had been moved to Williams Lake. I went to the local SPCA shelter and asked if they every relocated cats and they said it was too expensive to bring them to the island and there were enough cats here that needed adopting. So I nodded my head in understanding and backed out the door.
At the end of March I checked again and noticed that she had now been relocated to the Richmond SPCA. Well, I thought that was close enough so I called my sister who lives in Ladner and asked her to go and check her out for me. The girls at the Richmond shelter were very nice and were happy to have Carol meet Flora. They said she had been very shy and quiet and maybe that was why people weren’t taking her home.
We had a Facetime chat while Carol was in the room and Flora got all excited and started playing and running around. I made arrangements to go over and pick her up the first week in April. She was such a good girl on the ferry and didn’t make a sound all the way home.
It only took two days to integrate Flora into our house, which is pretty amazing. She is hilarious to play with and really likes Keith – much to his dismay. She is very safe outside and runs back into the house if she gets scared. This time of year is perfect to let her roam around and learn the boundaries.

Mozart was a good boy and very patient with her. They get along great and Mozart is glad to have a sister to play with and to keep him company. Ahh, someone’s got it made!