We are so lucky to have the tree shown at the top of this post growing beside the patio, right outside the living room window.
At the end of the month it will be a year since we came to view this property with our realtor. As I look at photos from the listing, the trees and shrubs are pretty much on the same schedule as last year. The weather has been beautiful this month, with temperatures in the 20’s and little rain. Everyone is hoping that it will last into June but I hope we get our usually damp and rainy weather. Considering the drought conditions we had last summer, we can use all the rain we can get.

My batch of alfalfa tea made from pellets, epsom salts and fish fertilizer has been festering for a few weeks. I am watering everything with a 1/10 ratio and am seeing very healthy growth on the roses and shrubs.

We have several Laburnum trees on the property and this is their only saving grace as far I am concerned. This tree is absolutely vibrating with bees.
It just glows throughout the day as the light moves across the yard. The transition into summer allows me to see where gaps in the beds need to be filled and how the colour scheme can be improved.
It is certainly a wonderful time of year here on the West Coast and we look forward to the long nights and dining on the patio.