Snow Casualty

Snow Casualty

By now a lot of people have shared their ‘oh my god it snowed for 3 days’ stories so I wanted to get last weekend photos up here so we can move on to SPRING. The weather channel kept promising rain and it just kept on snowing. We lost power on Sunday but...
Not Out of the Woods Yet

Not Out of the Woods Yet

A snowfall warning caught us by surprise on Saturday. Well, okay I thought – we can use the moisture. And if we get an inch or two or snow its no big deal because it usually rains quickly and disappears. I made a pot of soup and took another shot at perfecting a...

Feels like Spring

Last week we had some very nice days for February, don’t you think? Not that we were getting smug or anything. With the bird song changing and the days getting longer, you can’t blame us for thinking we were pretty blessed to be having such a mild winter....
Cost of Cancer

Cost of Cancer

The U.S. National Cancer Institute investigates the causes, prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer by supporting research and clinical trials in its own offices, in labs and medical centres across the United States and throughout the world. In 2013,...
Its That Seedy Time of Year

Its That Seedy Time of Year

We went to the Qualicum Beach Seedy Saturday last weekend with our friends from Yellow Point Country Home. Events included a seed swap, seed vendors, plant vendors, Seedy Café, garden products, speakers, Farmers’ Market. Keith went to the...